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Gournal – A Note-taking Tablet Application for Linux


Gournal is a note-taking application written for usage on Tablet-PCs (such as the Toshiba M200)
It’s designed for usage with a stylus, not a mouse or keyboard.
It does not have handwriting recognition but can be used in co-ordination with xstroke to accept text.
Gournal is written in perl using gtk2-perl so you will need gtk2-perl along with the gladexml and gnomecanvas modules of gtk2-perl.
The pages are saved as gzipped SVG files (not totally standard yet but working on it)
This is my first attempt and I have never used any M$ tablet applications (deleted Win before first boot) so I don’t have any idea what features are good/needed. Please email Chris with any comments/suggestions


Gournal looks/works just like a physical notebook with multiple pages.
To save memory/speed load time it only loads pages when they are viewed so the app will not run much slower if you have 1 or 100 pages.
Each page is named according to when it was created.
The pages are saved as gzipped SVG files.
Gournal has the following tools:

  • Multiple sections
  • Fine/Normal/Medium/Think Pens
  • Eraser
  • Highliter
  • Typed Text
  • Time-stamp
  • Zoom
  • Infinite undo/redo
  • Delete entire strokes
  • Networkable pages
  • Insert Images
  • Load a file as the background


Download Gournal 0.5.1 (Printing release) from here gournal_0.5.1-1.tar.gz
Debian package: gournal_0.5.1-1_all.deb
note: under Debian you need to have the following packages installed: libgtk2-perl, libgtk2-gladexml-perl, libgnome2-canvas-perl, libcompress-zlib-perl, libgnome2-print-perl and libxml-mini-perl. Use equivalent packages for other distros
A Debian package is available from my repository. Add “deb http://staging.adebenham.com/debian/ ./” to your sources.list and then install ‘gournal’


Gournal was written by Chris Debenham <[email protected]>
It was inspired by Jarnal which is a journal application written in Java by David K. Levine
Gournal would not be possible without the hard work of the gtk2-perl hackers


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