About Me

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I live in Gosford, NSW, Australia which is about 75km north of Sydney Australia (you know, that place with the bridge and funky shaped opera house).
I currently work for Google as a Senior Technical Supportability Engineer located in the Pyrmont.
I attended the University of Technology, Sydney where I completed a Bachelor of Science (Computing Science).

Contact Details
Email: chris(at)adebenham(dot)com
LinkedIn: Profile
GnuPG Key: pubkey.asc
Jabber: [email protected]
Facebook: Profile
Version: 3.1
GCS d-- s: a C++ ULS+++ P++++ L+++
E--- W+++ N- w--- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP++
tv++ b+ G+ D+++ e++ h--- r+++ 

If you don’t know what the above means, it isn’t for you
Lego version of Chris

2 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hello, Chris
    We would seem to have a common ancestry. I have the Seven Centuries of Debenhams, but welcome your achievement and efforts to convert it into a pdf file. During occasional periods of free time, I am transferring the family tree data into a ged format file.
    Family history research does have its rewards. For example, this year, we were able to trace my first cousins on my mother’s (not Debenham) side after 45 years of searching. Australia seems to have a fascination for the Debenhams. Two of my nephews have emigrated to Perth. Debenhams seem to pop up all over the country if one looks hard enough.
    Seasons greetings, Alan

  2. hi chris, when I open the fpp connect with linux , it does not find my pi player that is running.
    with the windows version i can open the screen and there is a ADD button @ the bottom.


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